Electronic Signature (e-sign)

Electronic Signature (e-sign)

Electronic Signature Application – Designed and developed a custom digital signature solution, similar to DocuSign, to provide a cost-effective alternative for internal use at my last job. This application streamlined the document signing process, primarily...
ERE Docs

ERE Docs

Downloader/Uploader Application – Developed a web scraper application to streamline access to client evidence records from the government’s BSO website for attorneys managing legal cases. The BSO platform lacked API support, so this application effectively acted...
Azure MS Identity React

Azure MS Identity React

 Live Site     GitHub Uses MSAL React library to demonstrate login, logout, read emails, and read calendar events from Microsoft account. Takes advantage of the Microsoft Graph API.
Gmail Sandbox

Gmail Sandbox

 GitHub Allows you to read Gmail and read Google Drive files through code. I expose Google API to where you can easily write more functions later. (sendEmail, WriteFiles, DeleteFiles, etc) It’s just a sandbox into building bigger applications that utilizes...


 Live Site      GitHub This app is a template created with express-generator and uses jsonwebtoken (jwt) to create tokens with private and public keys. The JWT token can then be used in the headers as an Authorization bearer to gain...